Sweater: Vintage, Shorts: Forever 21, Flats: Urban Outfitters
The weather has yet to fall to temperatures that I've been hoping for, but I'll take this semi-windy weather. I finally get to debut my new sweater and flats! The sweater has the perfect amount of grandma feel to it for my liking. I love electric blue, so when I saw these flats on sale at Urban I knew I had to have them and the ankle strap was the whipped cream on the sundae.
My current music crush is Wildchild. If you are a fan of She and Him (like me!) then you will love this band. If you want to immerse yourself in a song and never come back then it has to be their song Pillow Talk. I grabbed my headphones and laid under this warm October sun and turned this song on and let it try and take my troubles fade away.
Pillow Talk by WildChildSounds